I am an experienced Machine Learning Engineer. I specialized in Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. I am currently working as a Machine Learning Engineer with LLoyds Banking Group in London.

I hold a Master of Science in Big Data and Text Analytics at the University of Essex. Prior to that I completed my undergraduate degree in Genie Electrique et Informatique at the Université Libre des Pays de Grand Lacs in Goma(DRC) and I got my high school Diploma from College Alfajiri in Bukavu (Congo).

I also enjoy helping young black engineers thrive in their careers, which is why my friends called me: le grand frère de ses petits frères. I am part of the Masakhane, where I am working on NLP for African/Congolese Language.

I was born in Bukavu and grew up in Goma, DRCongo. I am the firstborn of a family of nine. I am Jéhovah Witness. I define myself as a meloman and enjoy listening to Congolese beats when writing code. I am a huge Manchester City fan, I play FPL and cycle sometimes.

You can reach me by email at [my_first_name] . [mur] @ gmail.com.